Financial Leasing

Financial Leasing

Financial Leasing

  • Finance facility is provided up to 100% for investments.
  • In cases where investments are financed by leasing, equity capital and credit limits in banks remain unused. Thus, equity can be allocated to other areas of need in the company.
  • Cash flow can be planned with flexible lease payments that best suit the company's funds.
  • The Financial Leasing Agreement and the collaterals/guarantees received within the scope of this agreement are exempt from all taxes, duties and fees. Except for VAT-based lease payments, only notary and administrative expenses are collected.
  • The VAT of the lease payments may be appropriated against the VAT liabilities of the companies.
  • The ownership of the leased property is transferred to the lessee at the end of the leasing term in return for a nominal fee.
  • In case the Lessee has an investment incentive certificate, it can benefit from the relevant incentives by transferring the part of the incentive certificate corresponding to the investment amount.
  • As the purchasing (domestic and import) related to the leasing transaction is carried out by the Bank, it does not impose an operational burden on companies.
  • Depreciation for equipment purchased through leasing is reserved by the Lessee.