The minimum payment due is the portion of the total monthly outstanding balance that should be paid, calculated as a result of the expenditures realized with the card until the payment due date. If the credit card holder fails to pay the minimum payment due specified in the credit card statement, the debt will be in default in accordance with the agreement concluded with the bank. You can find out how much minimum payment due you need to pay to your credit card through our minimum payment due calculation tool.
Calculating the Minimum Payment Due in a Credit Card Statement
*This table is constructed in accordance with the minimum payment due terms and conditions stipulated as per BRSA Regulation on Bank Cards and Credit Cards. Please Note: In accordance with the BRSA resolution dated 09.06.2022, for credit cards with a limit below TRY 25,000 (twenty five thousand), the minimum payment due is regulated as 20% (twenty percent) of the term debt; for credit cards with a limit of over TRY 25,000 (twenty five thousand), the minimum payment due is governed as 40% (forty percent) of the term debt.
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Sample Calculation Tables;